spread it on thickly 意味

  • spréad it on thíck(ly)


        spread butter thickly:    {1} : バターをたっぷり塗る -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- {2} : やたらと褒める、おべっかを使う
        thickly:    thickly べったり
        grow thickly:    繁茂する、密生する
        slice thickly:    厚切りにする、厚く切る
        thickly accented:    アクセントの強い、強いアクセントのある
        thickly dressed:    《be ~》着ぶくれする
        thickly haired:    thickly haired 毛深い けぶかい
        thickly inhabited:    《be ~》人口{じんこう}が多い
        thickly populated:    《be ~》人口{じんこう}が多い
        thickly thronged:    雑踏{ざっとう}した
        thickly veiled:    《be ~》厚く覆われている
        to be thickly clad:    to be thickly clad 着膨れる きぶくれる
        to grow thickly:    to grow thickly 生い茂る おいしげる
        to paint thickly:    to paint thickly 塗り立てる ぬりたてる
        spread:     1spread n. 幅, 開き; 広がること, 普及, 分布, まん延, 転移; パンに塗るもの; 《口語》 ごちそう. 【動詞+】 alleviate the spread of plant pests 植物の害虫のまん延を減少させる check the spread of a disease 病気のまん延を食い止める combat the sprea


  1. "spread into every corner of" 意味
  2. "spread into the pleural space" 意味
  3. "spread into the range of middle-aged and elderly people" 意味
  4. "spread into various parts of the world" 意味
  5. "spread it all over your body" 意味
  6. "spread its branches" 意味
  7. "spread its branches quickly and easily" 意味
  8. "spread its roots" 意味
  9. "spread its roots sideways" 意味
  10. "spread into various parts of the world" 意味
  11. "spread it all over your body" 意味
  12. "spread its branches" 意味
  13. "spread its branches quickly and easily" 意味

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